Saturday, 15 May 2010

My first post

Readers of my art blog will know that I have been considering a new blog to keep my various art-related activities separate. I am not a very prolific photographer and I do not have anything more than an inexpensive digital camera, but I do enjoy taking photos of more than just myself and my wife and the scenery when we are out and about in the countryside. My wife loves visiting places, so I end up taking loads of photos - some crap and some with possible uses as reference material for paintings and drawings but often I take them just because I find the subject interesting.

So.... I intend to keep a journal/blog of the latter. Maybe you will find them interesting also.

So where to start? Well this last week we spent a few days in Cornwall, where we had gone to visit the Eden Project. A bit of a mixed bag as far as I am concerned but the tropical rainforest biome is a true wonder. It is HUGE, and provides a marvellous way of presenting the worlds rainforest plants and history to the visitor. More than just a large greenhouse, it has rivers and waterfalls, a mangrove swamp and examples of the living conditions of the native inhabitants of the world's rain forest dwellers. I have included here a few shots of  subjects that I noticed. If you wish to see a larger version then visit my Flickr photostream where I will be backing up the shots on-line.

sculpture by West African artist El Anatsui,
fire damaged timbers from Falmouth Docks - originallly from West Africa


just a pink flower, I loved the colour and structure of this bloom


A shot of a palm tree taken to compare the height of the biome with the crowds entering at ground level. The dome does rise higher towards the centre but I wanted to make the comparison. Further away the people were lost in the jungle.


Couldn't resist this shot of the dandelion seedhead, what a marvellous stucture


A waterfall at the top of the pathway around the biome. I guess it was about 20 - 25 feet high and provides running water for the streams anad swamps in the biome. It cascades from the top of the wall of the old china clay pit into which the structure has been constructed.


Ok that's enough for my first post, I will try to keep them fairly regular and mostly short. I cannot promise to keep away from art ( see the sculpture above) but I hope they will be more than just a collection of holiday snaps and provide interest for a varied readership.They will of course reflect my own interests and may well end up in my art work either literally in collaged art or as references for my painting. Thanks for sticking with me to the end.

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