Right, one of my favourite things to do in the garden ........... is taking photos. I have records of projects / flowering species and just oddities ( like the frogs!) over the past few years. I won't bore you with all of them just now but may sprinkle them in when things are quiet on the photography front.
Right now we are enjoying some fantastic weather in the UK and coming after a couple of years iof bad sunmmers it is very welcome. As usual I have been using my camera and thouoght that I could amuse you with a couple of shots. The first is from a rhododendron bush which hold a special place in my psyche; we originally dug up a shoot on a river bank in wales whilst on holiday. The plants had naturalised, although it is not a native, and the banks were covered in multitudes of rhododendron plants. We managed to wrap the roots to avoid it drying out and got it home alive. We have since moved twice and the plant itself has been dug in and out several times. More than once I thought it had been lost over the past 35 years or so. But it is still with us and this year the display has been the best ever.
As you can see from the first shot, I am fond of lots of green growth. I love the isolation of not being overlooked by neighbours and the feeling of being in the country. Although, we practically are; being just minutes walk from a rural paradise right on the edge of the Birmingham connurbation. The tall tree in the distance is at the bottom of my garden. I include a close up of the flowers because I do like them although they do not form a major part of the garden. There is always a little colour, just to break up the greenery. But do notice the cloudless sky - the sun was so fierce that we couldn't sit out in it, just opened the doors and windows and enjoyed the breeze indoors. MIL ( 99 years young) was with us and we thought the sun would be too much for her.
Just another shot, this time of the lilac tree, to show off the wonderful sky.
this is a new feature. I have used bricks from an old path (dug up at considerable cost to by poor aching back) to raise the level of this bed which takes the place of a large clump of pampas grass which was growing thru the apple tree. I emptied my compost bin into the space and have planted courgette / cucumber and tomatoes. Although under a tree it is still one of the sunniest spots in the garden because of surrounding buildings and hgh hedges. Last year, in a very damp summer, our tomatoes suffered very badly from blight so these (spindly) plants have been planted as far as possible from the affected area. because of holidays and cold spells they have been growing too long on our windowsill, still I will see how they go and may yet purchase replacements. The basket at the top of the photo holds tumbler tomatoe plants.
time to go and get some more gardening done, thanks for getting this far.......