Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Autumn At Baddesly Clinton

Baddesly Clinton is a picturesque medieval moated manor house and garden owned by the National Trust in the West Midlands, UK. (see the National Trust on Faceboook).

My wife and I payed the place a visit last week , of course I took the camera along to take a few autumn photos. These are a few of the shots I took.

I think it's a field mushroom, but I wouldn't take bets ............

Leaves on the water of the moat, oh and the duck waddled into shot before I realised.

Leaves waiting to fall from an oak tree, took this from underneath although it looks as if it is on the ground.

A shot from the road into the nearby trees / hedge. Hoping to paint this one - have you seen my blog, painting with John.

And finally for now, I noticed this window for the first time (been to Baddesly mant times in the past). It was lit from inside and hda never seen it like that before. It is a window on one of the out buildings and never really looked at it closely. Looks good though.

Nothing special, but just a small selection form some of the photographs taken on a very cold November day.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Bonfire Party, Halloween

This year as usual we ran our Halloween celebrations over until november 5th, Guy Fawkes Night in the UK. I took a few shots of the fire (in a brazier for safety and convenience) and the carved pumpkins.

The fire (spitting sparks) and the pumpkins in the background, above which you can see the solar lights on a holly tree - just about see anyway.

We were able to produce colours in the flames by throwing pine cones on the fire which had been soaked in chemicals, e.g ccopper salts to produce blue, potassium salts - purple, cadmium - orange, chromium - green.

My own work

made by my eldest, using a drill for the teeth!