Wednesday, 24 April 2013

The Rollright Stones and Avebury

Just back from a visit to Wiltshire, famous for its neolithic megalithic monuments. Of course I took my camera.

 Adam and Eve, part of the Avebury monument

 The Swindon Stone, Avebury's largest standing stone

 The king's men at Rollright Stones

A close up of some of The king's men

I guess it has been a while since I posted here, but to be honest i have found a new venue for my writing, where I can write about all the subjects which I blog about and get paid quite handsomely for it. What is more people actually come to look at my posts and connect with each other.

Should you feel like trying this new site out visit Bubblews I have almost decided to mothball my several blogger blogs including this one for the immediate future at any rate.