Monday, 23 August 2010

The summer is passing so fast...........

and the weather forecast is so dreadful here in the UK. Looks like we had our few days of sun back in June! Anyway, it has been so long since posting on here that I just gotta get something down.

I have been away for a weekend with my wife, we have been busy booking holidays ( now that I have a date for my knee replacement operation ), our 41st wedding anniversary has come and gone and of course there is so much time spent looking after MIL. It seems that since she went into a residential home, we have even less time to spare as her own home has not been sold yet and we are still looking after that as well.

But here are a couple of photos for your perusal:-

Another sunset from outside my back door

I can never remember ( must look it up) what the name of this butterfly is; is it red admiral or painted lady. (Edit: Well it looks like a painted lady then.) Seen on lavender in a garden we visited on the NGS scheme

Here's me complaining about the weather ( such a british thing!) and we had a lovely couple of days at Cleeve Hill near Winchcombe in the Cotswolds. This shows St Peter's church at Winchcombe from near Sudely Castle. Note the sky!

St Peter's is known for the gargoyles which it has on the roof, I didn't count them but took several photos, this is quite heavilly cropped in Photoplus, my software of choice ( free) for editing my images.

 Here I am failing to take a decent timed shot of the both of us in the garden referred to above. My excuse was that it was so sunny and bright that I could not see the flashing led on the front of the camera. I must have counted the seconds too fast!
OK laugh if you want but it all adds to the fun of taking photographs, and we did atake it again quite successfully but that is another story, as they say.